Health and Fitness

Qigong - Thursdays, 12 - 1pm

No booking required - just turn up.

A one hour session combining meditation, controlled breathing and gentle movement.

You can learn more about the work of the Community Wellbeing service here -


Rethink: ‘Welcome Space’

Every Thursday 1.30 - 3.30pm

Do you feel isolated, lack motivation or have difficulty coping with the stress and pressures of life?

Would you like space to talk, be listened to and build new friendships?

‘Welcome Space’ - a group brought to The Keepers by the Community Wellbeing Service and The Community Advice, Links and Mental Health Support Service (CALMHS). Join them for a cuppa, chat or a board game.

Pre-book your space by calling (or texting) 07870 808629 or emailing

🪑Would you, or someone you know, benefit from coming along to a Chair yoga class?

• Gentle, supportive yoga

• Improve strength, flexibility and balance

• Mindful breathing and calming relaxation

🪑Mondays from 1.30-2.30p.m

☕️The class is followed by refreshments but you can leave straight after the yoga if you’d prefer.

🪑If you have any questions, please phone us on 07585 466418, email on or pop in.

🪑No booking is needed. The class is Pay As You Feel so open to everyone.

Wotton Area Breast Support

Third Thursday of the Month 10-11am

Come along to meet with others who have been affected by breast cancer.

For a list of Helpful resources for anyone experiencing the effects of cancer, click here

Wotton Area Neurodivergent Support Group (WANDS)

A group run by and for ND adults and parents/carers of ND children including Autism, ADHD, PDA, Dyslexia etc. Meeting on the second Thursday (9:30am - 11:00am) and last Wednesday of each month. (7 - 9pm)

If you are recently bereaved and you would like some emotional support, advice and some friendly company why not drop in to have a cuppa and some cake alongside the Cruse Bereavement volunteers.

Check our What’s On but for now it takes place on the 4th Monday of the month 11:30 am - 1 pm (just drop in, no need to book)

The Keepers’ Garden

We are VERY EXCITED to introduce Amy, the gardener at The Keepers.

GREAT NEWS! The garden will now be open every Tuesday and Friday 10-12.

Amy says:

'I spend my time creating and supporting communities to play, learn and grow outdoors. I have worked in the environmental and community sector for 10 years developing my skills in nature conservation and food growing.

I love being creative, experimenting with new ideas, collaborating with different groups, and being outdoors helping people to discover the magic in nature, build their confidence and learn skills. When I’m not at The Keepers, you’ll usually find me delivering Forest School in the woods or drinking tea with my cat and rescue hens in my own garden.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone over the next few months, please pop in for a cuppa on Tuesday or Friday mornings 10-12 to say hi - no pressure to get involved in the weeding!'

Come along, meet Amy, plant, weed, ask a gardening question or sit and chat!

More coming soon!

We hope to have more on offer soon. If you would like to suggest an idea to the Keepers Community Hub, please email