The Community Freezer


Come and try our healthy, tasty, frozen meals. They are for everyone and anyone!

For example if you've just had a baby, lost someone you care about, changed job, just moved house, are busy at work, you're struggling financially, feeling low in confidence about cooking or you simply enjoy trying good food, then the freezer meals could be for you.

We are open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (9.00-4.00p.m) and Wednesday and Friday (9.00-1.00p.m)

Simply SELECT YOUR MEAL AND PAY AS YOU FEEL! Our freezer (we call her Freda) is there to support the community and whatever you can give helps us keep Freda full with scrumptious food.  

The meals currently in the freezer are:


** Please share photos of you enjoying your Keepers meals with us on Facebook and/or Instagram!

We continue looking for ways to make food more accessible to everyone.

If you have any ideas around food that could be offered by or at The Keepers, please let us know by emailing